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Cultivating the Inner Gardener's Online Class
10 Weekly Lessons -- Only $25
you're curious about Cultivating the Inner Gardener but not quite sure
you're ready for personal coaching, there's a way to dip your toe in the
water. Just click here to learn more about my online course. This will take you to a page that describes the 10-week course. Click on "Enroll Now," fill out the form, and choose your payment method.
The first lesson is available to you immediately. Then, each week for nine additional weeks, you'll receive an e-mail that announces that the next lesson is ready for you to view online. If you prefer, you can print it out to read at your leisure.
Each lesson is loaded with information about unearthing the meanings, memories, and values that gardening holds for you. Through ten weeks' worth of assignments and activities, you'll learn how to create a gardening program that incorporates those feelings and translates them into the investments of time, money, and effort needed to achieve your goals. Included in the $25 price is the opportunity to ask up to three follow-up questions.